(Extracts) Projects of data protection and data security
As of 01/2018 Global GDPR Program Management
especially considering archiving, information lifecycle management (ILM), system decommissioning
As of 2013 Innovation projects at University of Kassel
Subject area in terms of system and high voltage engineering especially considering information lifecycle management (ILM) and system decommissioning
Inspection of powerlines (Overhead power transmission lines) using UAS (unmanned aircraft systems) especially considering „Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO), Landesdatenschutzgesetz (LDSG), Verordnung zur Regelung des Betriebs von unbemannten Fluggeräten, Luftverkehrsgesetz (LuftVG), Luftverkehrs-Zulassungs-Ordnung (LuftVZO), Luftverkehrsordnung (LuftVO)“
1997–2016 Realization/implemantation projects at associated companies of utility provider on sites Warsaw, Prague, Essen, Berlin, Dortmund
Project management based on PMI proceeding models developing as well as strictly considering data protection as well as data security in terms of critical infrastructures (CRITIS) strictly following the requests in terms of utilities (e.g. transmission system operator GAS) as well as considering CRITIS
1996–2000 Telekommunicationgroup in Prague, Czech republic
Implementation SAP R/3 FI, CO, AM, MM, PS
Set-up of a data protection concept as well as strategy
1994–1996 market-listed german construction group headquartered in Essen
Implementation of SAP R/3 MM, PM, CO
Set-up of a data protection concept as well as strategy
Concept of user access, roles, realization of access-rights